Why Exorcist III Is Superior To The Original? The Reason Is George C. Scott!

George C. Scott

The Exorcist III stands apart from other supernatural thrillers and Exorcist franchise movies partly because of its strong character development. The film’s more grounded and realistic approach to the characters and settings allows it to hold its own against the original Exorcist, even though both a murder mystery and a terrifying ghost narrative drive the plot.  Hence, the abundance of outstanding performances is what makes this work. Famous actor George C. Scott gives one of his best-ever performances as investigator Kinderman, giving the part a vulnerability and sadness that is completely captivating.

Ed Flanders, who portrays Father Dyer, an old friend of George C. Scott’s, does an excellent job making each of their on-screen exchanges appear friendly, sincere, and conversational. Simply put, it’s fun to see these two friends joke around with one another. Once their lives are in jeopardy during the supernatural events, this creates a powerful emotional impact for the audience. Checkout the beitragpost latest news in USA.

George C. Scott does a fantastic job of capturing the devastation and the violent case has caused upon George C. Scott’s psyche as the question weighs on him. Brad Dourif, who plays the Gemini Killer beside him, strikes the ideal blend between lunacy and realism. His performance as a terrifying villain surpasses that of Linda Blair’s in the first movie and is a force.

George C. Scott

William Peter Blatty, the author of the first Exorcist novel, helmed The Exorcist III. The Heretic, frequently recognized as one of the most disastrous movies ever produced, was a brave option for Blatty, even though he would undoubtedly know his material better than anybody else. In addition to the unfavorable reviews of the movie’s forerunner, Blatty had only ever produced one movie, and that was ten years earlier.

However, it’s clear that Blatty had a talent for directing since with Exorcist III, the novelist—who spent most of his career dabbling in humor writing—displayed an unprecedented degree of expertise and assurance for directing horror.

Yes, William Friedkin’s director of the first movie is about as good as it gets for the subject matter, but Blatty’s direction of the third movie is equally as good. It’s absolute genius how he drags out shots to create an awful sense of dread, and when he finally gives you a scare, it’s more frightening than anyone could have imagined.

His emotional Catholic upbringing undoubtedly influences Blatty’s visual choices. It is because he depicts sacred settings with awe-inspiring reverence before defiling them with unfathomable blasphemy. He had a gift for timing because of his love of comedy. It is perfect for Kinderman’s snarky banter and the startling scares.

The third part of George C. Scott’s The Exorcist presents something new yet scary. Much of The Exorcist plays out as a sort of medical drama gone paranormal, giving it a chilly, clinical feel. The Exorcist III delivers a more individualized tale within the framework of a police procedural. It’s because of its strong character focus. However, the movie by George C. Scott has a respectable reputation. It would have been considered one of the finest horror movies if its predecessor hadn’t unfairly eclipsed it.


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