How accurate are digital body weight bathroom scales?

Bathroom scales need to do a certain something: reliably give you a weight estimation that you can trust. After stepping on and off a sum of 21 scales since 2015 (representing more than 750 weigh-ins), we’re certain that the conservative, simple to-peruse Etekcity EB9380H is the most exact and exact essential advanced bathroom scale under $50 (however, likewise with by far most of the bathroom scales in its value range, the Etekcity isn’t amazing on those checks).

The Etekcity EB9380H is perhaps the most exact and exact computerized bathroom scale we’ve tried. Many economical bathroom scales react dependably just to a weight change on the request for a large portion of a pound, or, as we found through our testing, will even do your fair share readings from memory without attempting to device you. This smoothed out the scale was one of the solitary models we tried that was equipped for not just identifying change as little several tenths of a pound, yet also, reliably giving similar estimations for test objects of known loads on various days.

The Edacity’s splendid illuminated market is little however simple to peruse, and the thoughtful weight is shown for an adequate 10 seconds. Also, the scale has a 400-pound weight limit, can device in kilograms or pounds, is quiet (no blares), and turns on and off in a flash. The Etekcity accompanies a one-year guarantee, which copies if you register your scale on the organization’s site inside about fourteen days of procurement. Also with all bathroom scales, to get exact readings on the Etekcity, you’ll need to put it on a hard, level surface, and you’ll need to align it routinely (by stepping on and off of it or potentially briefly removing the batteries).

The Eat Smart Precision Plus is a lot greater than the Etekcity and has an extra-huge, 4.3-inch illuminated market. It is nearly just about as exact and exact as our top pick, and it, as well, gives new loads (not ones from memory) each time it’s utilized. In our testing, the Precision Plus remained for the most part reliable on various days and identified steady weight gains and misfortunes of a couple of tenths of a pound. It has a higher weight limit, 440 pounds, and is any longer than our top pick, settling on it a strong decision for somebody with a bigger than-normal shoe size (men’s 10½ or more). Like our top pick, the EatSmart scale is quiet, can quantify in kilograms or pounds, immediately turns on and off, and shows an individual’s load for 10 seconds after they venture off the scale. This scale accompanies a two-year guarantee.

The plastic-bested Tania HD-351 is an amazingly precise choice with a non-glass stage. It offers close wonderful accuracy, and, in contrast to our different picks, it can review last-weight recollections for up to five peoples. Even though its market isn’t illuminated, this scale kills right away, has a 440-pound weight limit, can quantify in kilograms or pounds, and accompanies a certainty boosting five-year guarantee. By and large, 10 seconds to show a perusing (approximately 5 seconds longer than our different picks).


MaterialTempered glass
Is Discontinued by ManufacturerNo
Thing model number025706343039
Batteries2 AAA batteries required. (included)
Date First AvailableSeptember 10, 2013
Hits Rank273 in Health and Household (See Top 100 in Health and Household)
3 in Digital Bathroom Scales

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The best ally for your health journey

Is it accurate to say that you are dealing with weight loss? Start by knowing your weight! In addition, it’s insufficient to know your weight, your other body divisions are comparably significant. Etekcity Smart muscle versus fat scale can device 13 body pieces and track your every day, week after week, month to month, and yearly advancement. View them on VeSyncFit application which can adjust the information to your number one fitness applications like Samsung Health, Apple Health, Google Fit, and Fitbit.

Bathroom Scales Features

FULL BODY COMPOSITION ANALYSIS–Get 13 fundamental estimations including Weight, BMI, Body Fat, Visceral Fat, Muscle Mass, Bone Mass, Body Water, and then some! You can device yourself whenever, even without your telephone available. The information will adjust to the application once your telephone and scale interface once more

Matches up with Fitness Apps-Works with Bluetooth on iOS and Android. Free VeSyncFit application matches up information with Apple Health, Google Fit, Fitbit, and Samsung Health, so you can store all your information in one helpful, concentrated area for view trends.

HIGH ACCURACY-4 sensors with the most recent advance convey precise weight estimations up to 400 lbs/180kg in 0.2 lb/0.05kg growths. Appreciate step-on advance and auto-adjustment, 3 x AAA batteries and one measuring tape included.

LARAGE PLATFORM, MORE STABLE-The 6mm treated glass and 11.8 × 11.8 inches’ surface are thicker and bigger than most items available, which makes it more agreeable and protected to remain on, and all the more obvious to see the numbers on the LED show. Effectively change weight units through the application (lb/kg/st)

ONE SCALE, UNLIMITED USERS-This brilliant muscle to fat ratio scale permits you to make limitless part profiles to consistently follow many clients; a family can share one scale. It’s helpful when each part knows their body measurements and knows clearly what to chip away at. Particularly helpful for muscle heads and those chipping away at weight loss.


Etekcity Digital Body Weight Bathroom Scale with Body Tape Measure and Round Corner Design, Large Blue LCD Backlight Display, High Precision Measurements, 400 PoundsEtekcityTempered Glass11.8 x 11.8 x 0.98 inches$16.99 
Etekcity Smart Scale for Body Weight, Digital Bathroom Weight Scale for Weight Loss, Wireless Bluetooth Body Fat Scale, Body Fat Measurement Device with Smartphone Apps, Health Monitor, 400 lbEtekcityTempered Glass3.53 Pounds11.8 x 11.8 x 1 inches;$22.99
Etekcity Smart Bluetooth Body Fat Scale, Digital Weight Bathroom Scale with 13 Essential Measurements and ITO Conductive Glass, Upgraded VersionEtekcityGlass4.02 Pounds12.2 x 12.2 x 1 inches
Etekcity Scales for Body Weight, Bathroom Digital Weight Scale for Body Fat, Smart Bluetooth Scale for BMI, and Weight Loss, Sync 13 Data with Other Fitness AppsEtekcityTempered Glass3.6 Pounds11.8 x 11.8 x 1 inches

Etekcity Food Kitchen Scale, Gifts for Cooking, Baking, Meal Prep, Keto Diet and Weight Loss, Measuring in Grams and Ounces, Small, 304 Stainless SteelEtekcity304 Stainless Steel

0.44 Pounds7.3 x 5.7 x 0.6 inches

Etekcity Digital Body Weight Bathroom Scale with Body Tape Measure, Large Blue LCD Backlight Display, High Precision Measurements, 6mm Tempered Glass, 400 Pounds, SilverEtekcityGlass3.96 Pounds11.8” x 11.8” x 1.0

Why you should trust in us

We met a few health and fitness experts, including Dr. Linda Everett, a bariatrician (a doctor who has some expertise in weight loss); Beth Skwarecki, a health essayist; and Rachel Pires, writer of Diet Explanation and a weight loss instructor. We additionally read involved tests and surveys and went through hours poring over people scales’ client audits on Amazon and at different stores.

Who this is for

Manypeoples can profit by possessing a decent restroom scale. There’s an explanation you’re weighed at each actual test: Being finished or under solid weight, suggestions are connected with having a more dangerous for certain medical issues. Huge weight changes can warn you of health or way of life changes that need your consideration. Indeed, even essentially observing your weight could be helpful over the long haul: Several investigations, including the one done at the thorough National Weight Control Registry, have discovered that ordinary (in any event week by week) weigh-ins are quite possibly the most well-known attributes of peoples who get thinner and keep it off for quite a long time then.

All things considered, weight is anything but an ideal independent proportion of generally speaking health. Your weight changes for the day (by as much as 6 pounds), because of differences like your hydration, when you last ate, and even what you as of late ate. If you (and your doctor) discover your weight estimation helpful in advancing toward better health or keeping up the wellbeing you have, the washroom scale can be a helpful tool. The number alone, however, isn’t something to fixate on, and it is only one measurement of numerous that can educate your agreement about your body.

Many bathroom scales would now be able to do considerably more than basically devicepeoples. Some naturally record biometric readings in a remotely adjusted application. However, ‎smart scales can be multiple occasions the cost of standard computerized scales. (Our keen scale picks, cost distinctly about $20 to $30 more than the conventional bathroom scales we suggest in this survey.) Smart scales aren’t really in a way that is better than the wide range of various computerized scales—they simply have greater availability highlights and more experiences into your health, for example, a device of muscle versus fat ratio, presently viewed as a preferable marker of wellbeing overweight alone or BMI (weight list), a device of muscle versus fat ratio dependent on weight and stature. Just a modest bunch of essential computerized scales offer muscle against fat or other body-organization (like bone-thickness) readings, so if you need a muscle to fat ratio scale, you’ll need to put resources into a brilliant scale.

How we picked Bathroom Scales

The two most important variables in a scale’s capacity to give a helpful estimation are exactness (the scale examines sensibly near your actual weight) and accuracy (the scale gives a similar perusing on the off chance that you do at least two readings in succession). Above all else, you need to have the option to confide in the perusing. Accuracy and precision, in any case, are things we could device ourselves just through active testing, so to limit the tremendous universe of advanced bathroom scales before we got to that progression, we went to a few sources.

Our overview of Wire cutter perusers (over 600 reactions) assisted us with finding the features peoples need most in a scale—past accuracy and firm quality, for example, a huge illuminated market and a stylishly satisfying plan.

An extraordinary scope of bathroom scales is accessible, from the open scales that simply show you your weight to ones that appear to need to quantify all that could be within reach. What’s more, as we gained from stepping on scales on many occasions in recent months, not all scales feel similar when yourdevice yourself.

After accuracy and accuracy, we took a gander at the ease of use components like most extreme weight limits, stage size, show size, and what it resembled utilize the scale. The coherence of the LED show is likewise significant: An illuminated presentation makes it a lot simpler to peruse, as does a market season of over 5 seconds. We additionally favored scales with weight cutoff points of in any event 400 pounds versus those that maximized during the 300s.

This slump piece of hardware shows neither Mercy nor Remorse. Compassion nor Conscience. Love not to Regret. It will require long periods of heart-felt best endeavors and reminds how you continually undermine you’re eating regimen. It will frequent your very soul offering to diminish your liable however will ceaselessly deceiving your best expectations. It will at any point give your companion truly expanding motivations to give you blander and less fatty food. It will supplant the once hills of bacon and doughnuts with carrots and carrots and much more carrots. All with fall before it’s steadily developing force and rule and nothing will want to stop it…

It labored for two days, at that point the presentation blurred lighter and lighter and now it’s Sunday (the fourth day of utilization, ever), there is no showcase other than a blue foundation. Attempted new batteries. Attempted distinctive surface. Taken a stab at everything. Doesn’t work. Thus, it’s a futile paperweight. We are bringing it back.

This scale continually gives me various readings. For instance: If I put the scale down, let it zero, at that point get on and device myself I can weigh 196.2. At that point, I get it and move it to another region of our wood floor (all level!) I get 195. I have had up to 4lbs off by getting it and moving it a couple of inches away to get asupplementary measure. I cannot confide in the readings! How would I know which one is correct? Disillusioned with this product and will be bringing it back.

How we tried

In one room, we set up all the scales as per their manuals and adjusted them as taught. At that point throughout half a month, we tested ourselves a ridiculous number of times straight, utilizing books and free weights to add and take away a couple of ounces of weight to see whether the scales could get on the distinctions.

During each round, the analyzer stepped on and off each scale 10 to multiple times, at times alone, and at times holding one book, two books, or free weight, taking note of each time whether the weight changed fittingly, to test for the scales’ accuracy (consistency between readings).

What we realized is that a few scales offer a fabricated feeling of accuracy and precision: They may figure your weight dependent on the memory of your past readings instead of evaluating you each time.

For instance, one analyzer—after evaluating herself, and afterward measuring herself again while holding a 10-pound hand weight, and afterward testing herself once more without the free weight—found that one of the scales said she measured 10 pounds more than she. Different scales would from the outset effectively show the extra weight distinction when another analyzer was holding one book, however would then return to her past weight estimation without the book. Albeit a few scales read the analyzers’ loads almost quickly, the drawback is that they frequently appeared to pull from memory, though scales that required a couple of moments to show the weight perusing estimated weight each time. We mentioned remarks from the organizations that made the culpable scales, yet they were not approaching with a clarification.

We gave each scale a 0.2-pound safety buffer. Thus, for instance, if a scale measured one analyzer at 120.0 pounds and she, got back on the scale with a 0.4-pound book, we believed the scale to be exact if it said she measured anything between 120.2 to 120.6 pounds. That may seem as though a great deal, yet as healthprofessionals call attention to, an edge of even a pound isn’t sufficient to change your BMI. Many scales show weight in increases down to one-10th of a pound, so it was amazing to see that the vast majority of them truly weren’t so touchy. We considered a scale exact if it gave us a similar number multiple times in succession with no edge.

Our pick: Etekcity EB9380H

The Etekcity EB9380H performed almost immaculately, giving many exact and exact loads throughout a long time. It was the second-generally precise of the 11 scales we tried (outperformed somewhat by our additionally extraordinary pick, the Tanita HD-351). The EB9380H not just promptly perceives when you step on the scale with the expansion or deduction of a few ounces, however, it likewise, out of many estimations, gave the specific expected estimations every time (aside from one case, which was still inside our 0.2-pound safety buffer). At whatever point we measured ourselves in progression, the readings were consistently the equivalent.

This scale can oblige loads of as much as 400 pounds, and it measures in either kilograms or pounds. What’s more, it has a brilliant blue illuminated presentation that is not difficult to peruse taking all things together settings and stays on for 10 seconds, which is bounty adequately long to write down the numbers in case you’re following loads physically.

The Etekcity is additionally a quiet scale—no blares—and its thin and smooth dark treated glass configuration is stylishly satisfying and ideal for more modest spaces.

Pros of The Etekcity Digital Body Weight Bathroom Scales

I was searching for a scale that would work with standard batteries (AAA) as I never appear to have the level cells helpful when my old scale went dead. This appeared to possess all the necessary qualities giftedly, particularly at the cost point.

Shown up inside 2 days, and was too simple to set up. I downloaded their application to my telephone and associated it with my Fitbit.

The most irritating thing for me was to log my weight into the Fitbit application in the mornings (I know, I know, however, I’m simply not a morning individual), however, this thoroughly takes care of me. Open up the scale’s application, step on the scale and it reads every one of your estimations, which will likewise be shipped off Fitbit. Ideal for tired me first thing.

The most irritating thing for me was to log my weight into the Fitbit application in the mornings (I know, I know, however, I’m simply not a morning individual), however, this thoroughly takes care of me. Open up the scale’s application, step on the scale and it reads every one of your estimations, which will likewise be shipped off Fitbit. Ideal for tired me first thing.


The result is basic. This device will give you genuine feelings of serenity, and better health. How about we keep our friends and family and those under our consideration as protected as conceivable from harming themselves I recommend the Etekcity Digital Body Weight Scale.


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