8 Things You Should Not Mention on Your CV 

Why do you think interviewers or HRs ask for a CV before giving you a call? They want to know if you stand out from the rest of the crowd. 

Nowadays, you can hire a CV writer and skip the process of writing down everything. Always remember your CV is the best marketing tool. It is the document that makes or breaks the first impression. The recruiter wants to know who you are and what you’ve done in the past. 

If you want to get through the upcoming stages of the recruitment process, you must make your CV attractive. 

Well, everyone tells you that you need to submit a good CV. But does anyone tell you what you should NOT mention in the CV? 

Here’s a post highlighting what you should never mention in the CV. If you hire a writer for the CV, they will not goof up, but if you are writing it yourself, keep these eight pointers in mind. 

#1 Providing Irrelevant Information 

The employer does not want to know your marital status or Instagram profile. There is no need to showcase anything personal on the CV. The employer only wants to know if you are fit for the job. Your past professional experience and skills are important, but not how many followers you have on social media. It will only be relevant if you apply for a social media expert job. 

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Understand the job you are applying for. The employers would like to know your interests as well as achievements. If you like certain activities such as charity or certain kinds of sport, you can highlight them but never mention anything too personal.

#2 Avoid Irrelevant Information 

Don’t go round and round with irrelevant information. You have little time to impress your employer, so mention the relevant information. They should be convinced that you could be a good fit for the role only if your qualifications, education, and skills align. 

#3 Punctuation, Spelling, and Grammatical Errors 

You must double-check everything on your CVs. Make sure everything is correct, even the spelling of your name. Do a spell-check and then spot the mistakes that may be there. You can also hire a CV editor for the job. Ideally, we suggest people hire a CV writer to reduce overall stress. 

Also, the spelling should be in US English if you are applying for an American company.  

#4 Mysterious Gaps in Employment 

Some employers will be confused about why you took a long gap between jobs. It’s a mystery period for them! You need to mention what you did in the gap year. It could be a course you did or an internship you signed up for during this period. 

#5 No Misleading Information, Please! 

You should not let recruiters think you’re lying or making up things to get the job. Never lie about your salary, qualifications, achievements, and job titles. Employers do a background check before hiring you. 

Bending the truth will not help you get the job. Be honest! The new employer would like an honest person. 

#6 A Long and Dull CV 

We’re sure you have written something exceptional, but nobody has the time to read a long CV. Make sure it is two pages long but not more than that. 

Write about your recent experience and the achievements you have gathered. You can mention how you helped the organisation get more leads or made a meaningful contribution. 

#7 A Poorly Formatted CV 

The CVs are usually printed or seen on the laptop. Ensure the CV is formatted perfectly so the employer can view it easily. 

Research the best font and size. Ideally, you should stick with Arial or Calibri in size 12 or 11. Keep it neat and clean.

A poorly formatted CV will turn off the HR or anyone who looks at the CV. 

Try and send the CV in PDF format. It’s clearer! Once again, we would suggest getting a CV writer on board. 

#8 Multiple Contact Numbers and Unprofessional Email Addresses 

It is a big NO for you to add too many phone numbers and email addresses. Some people write unprofessional and funny-looking email addresses in their CVs. 

You must avoid these things completely! 

The HR wants your CV to be concise and professional. Do not write irrelevant things that don’t make sense or look unprofessional. 

Concluding Thoughts 

These are just a few things you should keep in mind. Making a CV can be tricky, especially when you don’t know what not to mention. 

When you hire a CV writer, they ensure everything looks professional, and you can get shortlisted for the first round. 


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