Creating a Culture of Giving: The Power of Employee Engagement Volunteering Programs

There is no end to the good that can come from encouraging employee volunteerism. Reliable employee engagement volunteering programs have the potential to revitalise and sustain a healthy workforce through fostering engagement, fostering camaraderie, and enhancing company culture and employer brand.

In 2016, 61% of employers offered paid-release time volunteer programmes, according to CECP’s Giving in Numbers report. The world would be better if more workers were provided with paid time to get out of the office, take a walk, and conduct volunteer work that benefits their local community.

We have selected some of the most compelling arguments for your organisation to invest in employee engagement volunteering programs. Just have a look at them!

What advantages do employees have when volunteering?

84% of businesses allow employees to choose when and how they volunteer, citing the 2022 Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose Giving in Numbers study. Some companies even provide paid time off for employees to devote up to 60 hours to volunteer work. 

The advantages of volunteering for employees are listed below. 

Employees who volunteer report a greater sense of personal agency

While given the opportunity, workers gain a sense of agency while making contributions to issues they care about. The Giving in Numbers survey found that when workers feel personally invested in an organisation’s mission, they are more inclined to participate in volunteer programmes. 

According to Deloitte’s Global 2022 Gen Z and Millennial Survey, today’s millennial and Gen Z workers want to make a difference in the world while still making a living. They prefer working for companies that allow them to help others. In return, employees will have stronger loyalty to the organisation and their team, leading to significant personal and professional development prospects.

 Employees who volunteer have more opportunities to grow and share their abilities

Talented and skilled workers are sought out for employment. But almost everyone has some latent talent they’d like to develop, which could be of great use to their companies if they did. 

Volunteer opportunities provide workers a platform to hone their skills, broaden their horizons, and discover their hidden potential. Employees volunteer more often when their company offers opportunities to develop certain skills, according to the Giving in Numbers survey. 73% of businesses that support employee volunteerism offer skills-based volunteer programmes where workers can use their knowledge in the real world. 

If workers can acquire new knowledge or improve upon existing abilities, they will return to their employer, having gained a sense of accomplishment and increased their worth to the organisation. 

Volunteering is good for employees’ mental health

According to research published in the Journal of Happiness, volunteering has been shown to improve health, reduce stress, and lead to greater happiness. Those who give back to their communities tend to enjoy life more.

Volunteering promotes morale and increases happiness among workers, both of which positively affect productivity. People are more productive and loyal to their employers when they like coming to work.

Employees who volunteer are more likely to become leaders

Employees who participate in volunteer work may find new interests and develop their leadership skills.

When employees participate in volunteer programmes, especially those that involve tasks that demand strong managerial and organisational abilities, they may have a natural inclination for leadership. Finding new leaders is a great chance for the company to improve. 

Why do businesses benefit from volunteers?

The firms that support volunteer efforts also get rewards. The following are some of the benefits that can come from encouraging volunteerism. 

Businesses can improve their ability to attract and retain employees by instituting volunteer programmes

Deloitte found that young adults value meaning in their work as highly as a good work-life balance and competitive remuneration when considering new employment opportunities. Almost half of those in managerial positions and nearly two-fifths of the younger generations had turned down a job opportunity because it went against their morals. 

Employers who support employee participation in meaningful community and environmental service initiatives stand out to today’s workforce. Recruiting and maintaining top talent is easier for companies encouraging employee participation in meaningful volunteer work. 

Brands can gain positive publicity through volunteer programs

Today’s consumers would rather support businesses and brands that are open and honest about their CSR efforts, just as today’s workers would rather work for a company that positively influences the world. Volunteer programmes in which employees engage with communities through social activities are well-received by the general public and can naturally boost a company’s reputation.

Employee participation in volunteer programmes increases morale

Only 36% of workers are actively engaged in their jobs, despite a desire to feel invested in, connected to, and excited about their employers, as reported by Gallup. When companies provide opportunities for their workers to give back to the community, employees are more likely to go above and beyond their normal duties. 

Employees participating in volunteer programmes are more dedicated to the organisation due to the values and skills they pick up there. Employers, employees, and the organisations they care about all benefit from volunteer programmes because they encourage people to become more invested in their work. 


Providing opportunities for workers to volunteer their time and skills benefits the community and the company. Companies gain from increased brand awareness and employee engagement, and sophistication. The community, the employees, and the supporting firms would all benefit from working towards a positive global influence. Think long and hard about volunteer programmes, and then run them with integrity, skill, morality, and forethought.

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