9 Mistakes on Instagram You Don’t Make Anymore

From the outside, managing a social network seems like a simple task that anyone can do, right? Wrong!

As much as most people nowadays know how to use social networks for personal use, when we talk about using Instagram to grow your business, there are many factors to consider and things to learn to do a good job and reap results. 

Before even starting to understand what to do, it is also essential to know what not to do on Instagram and why not to do it (especially when explaining to that client why his idea is not good? ).

To help you with this, we separate the nine mistakes on Instagram that are most common and prevent your growth!

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Nine Mistakes on Instagram that prevent you from Growing

1. Not doing a content plan

Content created for Instagram cannot be random or always “spontaneous” unless you manage a new profile (and even then, we also recommend planning beyond breaking news).

For a brand to grow on Instagram, the content needs to be strategically thought out, aiming at the objectives and audience and taking into account the insights of the profile. For example, if your goal is to improve engagement, you’ll need to consider what types of posts will get your followers to comment, save, and share the most.

Therefore, planning in advance and with pre-defined objectives is essential to bring results and avoid unforeseen events.

2. Not analyzing metrics 

Instagram Insights exists for a reason, so be sure to take the opportunity to extract as much information as possible about your audience and your content to better guide you. 

Just looking at the metrics is how you can know if your posts have generated the expected result if your audience has responded well to that approach, and if your profile is experiencing good growth.

3. Post anytime

Speaking of metrics, here’s a significant one you should take advantage of timing!

Regardless of the number of followers a brand has on Instagram, good content posted at the wrong time must be recovered. To ensure the results you expect to achieve with your planning, it is also essential to analyze the behavior of your followers and your Instagram insights to identify the best days and times to post.

4. Use automation

Since we’re on this topic, it’s important to clarify here: scheduling and other features of a social media manager, like buymalaysianfollowers, are very different from automation, ok? 

An automation tool acts in the user’s place, like a robot. They are usually tools that, like photos, automatically follow people or send mass direct messages, which can make the social network identify as spam. Instagram punishes this practice and can lead to losing your account.

So, as tempting or straightforward as it may seem, it runs away from all those tools that promise miracles, like more likes or followers in a short time. 

If you’re going to invest, prefer social media managers that will make your job easier and help you manage your Instagram profiles more straightforwardly using your computer, all within Instagram’s best practice standards.

5. Not worrying about your brand’s visual identity

If you think that a well-made visual identity is just a “vanity” that makes you waste time, better review your concepts. 

Having a well-defined visual identity goes far beyond being aesthetic care and will help you in several points, such as:

In addition to, yes, making your content much more attractive

Your brand must have a well-defined visual identity to stand out on Instagram. This ranges from the colors used, the chosen font, the amount of information per post, and even the style of images or illustrations you use. All of this must be carefully thought out so you can convey precisely what you want about your brand.

6. Not exploiting Instagram features

Instagram constantly releases new features or updates old ones; you need to watch it. When a social network launches something new, it is natural for the algorithm to pay close attention to content that uses those resources and deliver it to more people to check out the news. Furthermore, the users tend to be curious to see the innovations in practice and are aware of those already using the resources.

You can use some things at a time but rather analyze what’s new and understand how you can take better advantage of them to grow your brand on Instagram and not get stuck in time.

7. Not investing in videos

It is not new that videos have been gaining more and more prominence on social networks and have been the protagonists of the most recent Instagram updates, even more so with the success of TikTok as a competitor.

 Now, with the statement by the Head of Instagram, Adam Mosseri, that the social network is now “no longer a photo sharing app,” investing in this format has become even more essential to growing on Instagram!

Intending to invest more in entertainment, the trend is for videos to become the new center of attention on the platform, as has been happening since the launch of Reels and the new features implemented for Lives and IGTV.

8. Using hashtags incorrectly on instagram

Hashtags can be great allies to improve your reach on Instagram and gain more users who still don’t follow you. But, like everything else, they must be used in moderation.

The excessive use of hashtags, especially those that are very generic or have nothing to do with your content, will not add anything and can even harm you. As much as your post reaches more people and has more impressions with some popular hashtags, these people will not necessarily be interested in your post, and the algorithm can interpret that it is because your content is irrelevant. 

Prioritize hashtags that have more to do with your niche and, preferably, are in the language of your content. For example, instead of #marketingdigital, you can filter using #marketingdigitalbrasil, which also has a good reach and will mainly reach Portuguese-speaking people. 

Another case might be that instead of using a hashtag like #restaurants, you reach people from different places, so why not opt ​​for #restaurantsrecife or #restaurants[cityyouact]? 

9. Not interacting with your followers

If you want more engagement, reciprocate the engagement.

Whenever a follower contacts you via DM or comments on your post, try to respond in the friendliest way possible. This makes people feel heard and closer to your brand, making them more comfortable interacting more often in the future and improving their engagement.

Unless you have a volume of comments that is impossible to handle, try your best to respond to all your followers and pay special attention to questions and feedback, even negative ones. Show that your brand cares and is willing to listen.

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